Stoke the Fires of Creativity and Curiosity image

Stoke the Fires of Creativity and Curiosity

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Igniting Change Through the Power of Storytelling

When was the first time you've felt the power of your voice? Spoken up about something you cared about? Used your story to inspire and ignite change in your community?

Like a fire, the stories we share and pay attention to can create chaos or provide comfort and closeness. Here at Youth Speaks it is our duty and honor to stoke the fires of creativity and curiosity. We encourage and facilitate spaces where young people can begin to connect their individual stories and experiences to their peers, neighbors, and other global citizens.

In the Bay Area alone, we created affirming, brave spaces for more than 9,000 young people sparking their creativity, imagination, and empathy through our in-school arts education residencies, after-school workshops, public performances and assemblies. A donation regardless of size will help ensure we can continue to ignite the stories of young people as they join a generation whose imaginations are uncut and whose hearts are bent toward blazing a path forward to a future filled with equity, justice, and light.

Will you join us in lighting the path forward for thousands of young people? Consider giving a generous gift today!